السبت، 31 مايو 2014

Employer: Centro Global solutionsJob Title: Asterisk Developer

Employer: Centro Global solutions
Job Title: Asterisk Developer (VICIDIAL
background is a must)
Location: Maadi
Gender: Any
Age: not specified
Education status: Grads with experience
Job qualifications:
• Identify the purpose and primary functionality
of Asterisk as a PBX and as VICIDIAL application
development platform
• List the functionality associated with VICIDIAL
PBX Understand the history of Asterisk and its
powerful open source community
• Define the operating system environments in
which Asterisk is developed and supported
• Describe the telephony connections which
Asterisk supports.
• Identify the basic characteristics of analog and
digital PSTN connections and how VoIP
compares and contrasts with them
• Install and run Asterisk from the packages
available for download from asterisk.org
• Configure Asterisk to deliver VICIDIAL PBX
functionality, including basic call routing,
voicemail and directory services
• Learn the basics of Linux in order to be an
effective Asterisk administrator
• Asterisk dial plan syntax and constructs
• Effective use of Asterisk features, such as call
parking, audio conferencing, and DTMF feature
• Call monitoring and recording
Theory of Analog telephony, and how to connect
Asterisk to the PSTN
• Digital telephony using T1s and E1s
• SIP and IAX protocols
• Connecting Asterisk to a VoIP provider
• Configuring and manipulating CDR (Call Detail
Records) as well as CEL (Channel Event
• Call queues and ACD with Asterisk
• Using AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface) to
control Asterisk from an external program
• Using AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) to
execute external scripts and connect Asterisk to
external APIs.
• Installing and setting up VICIDIAL and
associate applications
• Archiving of VICIDIAL logs
• Telco trunking options
• Troubleshooting VICIDIAL
• Setting up a multi-server VICIDIAL system
• Setting up agent email handling
• Call recording archival options for VICIDIAL
• Making changes to the VICIDIAL agent
• Making changes to the VICIDIAL back-end
• Integrating ViciDial with other systems
How to apply: Submit your application on http://

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