الخميس، 1 مايو 2014

Brand Manager For B – tech

Brand Manager Jobs In Egypt And Career In B - tech Vacancies In Cairo 2014
Employer    B - tech
Job Title     Brand Manager
Languages     Excellent In English (Written and Spoken)
Country     Egypt
Job Category    Marketing
Job Type    Full Time
Description     Main Duties: —Setting the brand shot & long term strategies based on his clear market overview —Responsible for building the brand annual business plan —Handling Brand/Cat. annual MKT budget —Preparing budget breakdown into (channel activities & general activities) —Preparing the brand annual marketing calendar —Responsible for brand/cat. Communications (ATL & BTL) —Communicating and Coordinating with brand owner and product manager to Prepare campaigns media plans and allocated MKT budget —Preparing campaign designs, theme, POS, live demo, hands-on, ‡etc —Getting the brand owner approval for designs, theme, budget, & vendor share —Monitoring brand monthly expenses and vendor share —Sharing annual budget & brand calendar with PMD. And CDD —Responsible for building strategic alliances with other companies —Monitor brand/cat. market share and sharing it with sales team —Responsible for brand/cat. Promotions with PMD & CDD & Sales team —Market researches
Qualifications    1-Details Oriented . 2-Have a very Good Knowledge in market research, different ways to promote new products.
Gender    Any
Experience    3 - 5 Years.
Compensations    1.Medical Insurance: an annual coverage in the most Prestigious medical hospitals and centers in Egypt. 2.Social Insurance. 3.Pension Plan. With Life Insurance policy. 4.Employees Omra Box. 5.Scholarships. 6.Seasonal Gifts. 7.4 Months of the base salary in certain occasions for employees who completed one year of employment. 8.Transportation facilities (according to location of work). 9-Products Discount.
Salary (L.E.)    More than 6000
Job Contact Info.    Careers_2014@live.com

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